When should you mention your business opportunity in a Facebook chat

By | September 28, 2016

If you build your network on Facebook or other social media you know it can be a really powerful way of building a business online – but when do you mention your opportunity?

Today a couple of my team jumped on a zoom with me to talk about this and although it was intended as a team training I decided to leak it out as I know many of you reading this will get value from it and it will maybe fill in some of those little gaps in knowledge that can have a huge impact on results.

If you don’t have time to watch the video then let me give you the major insight we share –

All three of us hardly ever get to the right time to bring up our business opportunity in a Facebook chat because we don’t mention our business !!  Yet we all make a good income online – how does that happen – then you really will need to watch the video to find out sorry!

Have an awesome day
